Thursday, 10 October 2013

Don’t forget that while we dakwah to the society, have we dakwah to our own family?

It starts with yourself as an individual, then your family, followed by the community, and after which the nation.
if you think your life is full of sins, don’t think that there’s no way out for you..just ask Allah to grant you the hidayah to constantly guide you to the right path.. don’t give up for He hears every prayer.. He will love you no matter what.. just think of Him on both your good and bad days..
forget all about what she had said to you lia. you're just like her. A human. not an angel. kamu sedang diuji. 


"kenal dari facebook je dah boleh stay sampai dua tahun? gila ke?"
tersenyum lebar dengar ungkapan tu. 
tiba-tiba teringat kata-kata kak Amani. kisah dia dan tunang dia. okay, tak nak cerita.lalalalalala~~

Kalau awak lebih mengerti, hati ini berbelah-bahagi setiap kali mendapat pesanan itu,
Kalau untuk suka-suka, tolong tinggalkan saja,
Kalau tiada matlamat, jangan mulakan apa-apa,
Saya ada hati dan ada perasaan juga..