Saturday, 15 October 2011

do i care???? ahha

talking about me behind my back??????
that's means my life is obviously more interesting than yours.

okay sebelum terlambat, aku nak ucapkan GOOD LUCK para sahabat aku yang sentiasa setia berada disisiku. yeahhhh kawan sampai bila bila okay. tak kesah lah apa apa exam yang korang akan duduki,apa apa pun cabaran yang korang bakal hadapiii... semoga berjaya. semoga usaha korang selama ini akan membuahkan hasil yang lumayan!!!! haaa untuk bebudak matrik,, buat betul betul tawww PSPM nanti. sama sama lah kita berjuang demi bangsa dan negara. cheewaaaahhh!! ahahaha... buat budak budak STPM, jawab soalan tu elok elok. hehe. kepada warga uitm yang dah habis exam tu,, doa doakan lahh kami ye.. semoga result korang OKAY.

baca soalan tu elok elok ye, kalau tak paham, tido je ler..


yes, you. stop being unhappy with yourself? you are perfect. stop wishing you looked like someone else or wishing people like you as much as they like someone else. stop trying to get attention from those who hurt you. stop hating your body, your face, your personality, your quirks. love them. without those things you wouldn't b you. and why would you want to be anyone else? be confident with who you are.'ll draw people in. if anyone hates on you because you are happy with yourself then you stick your finger in the air and say screw it. my happiness will not depend on others anymore. i'm happy because i love who i am. i love my flaws. i love my imperfections. they make me "pretty amazing"

which one??

okay. aku ada cerita sedih yang nak dikongsikan. kalau boleh memang nak heboh je dekat semua orang. haaa huwaaaa aku tak balik rumaaaa pon minggu ni. jeles tengok semua orang balik. opsss pembetulan. bukan semua la. but mostly ramai yang balikkkk..! disebabkan nak mengisi kebosanan yang membelenggu jiwa ni, aku decide pergi melawat kakak aku di UKM. mestilah stay sana kan.. psssttt nak tahu, aku dengan kawan aku lari dari buat test ekonomi.wahaha.lawak lah..but its okay. sebabb ...lepas ni no more class and kuliah. so, tadek sape akan, tadek siapa yang akan tanda paper tu pun. test tu just untuk bagitahu kat semua orang macam mana format PSPM jehh..

okay, aku dengan EL pon gerak ler naik bus dengan segera.bukan nye apa. kami cuma excited je.haha. opssss terserempak dengan amar pulak dalam bus nih. ecehh ni ler budak yang big boss aku tu selalu gosipkan.. teet teeeetttt tiba tiba ihsan text cakap nak balik sama. haishhhh nak buat macam mana. dah kata kaan.den tak sanggop nak menolak. Ahhha.

sampai terminal one. adoisssshhhh cik arip pun ade? lorhhhh amar ajak borakkk. haaa habis lah bertembung terus antara amar dengan ihsan. habis habis. mesti nanti amar jadi reporter untuk bigboss tuh. soorrrrrryyyy amar sebab tak dapat nek KTM sama sama. hmmmmmmmm. bkn tak nak. tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....

aku( from module 1 & already changed to account course) VS Ihsan from module 1(physics, biology, chemistry & math)
sempat bergambar oittt
we're a friend
like spongebob and patrick.

wuuuuu peeewwwitt peeewiiit. 

ehhh dekat lahh sikit. kata yana. kurang asam tol ang ni.. nak kena ni...

ahahaaaa. kami hanya sekadar kawan. tak lebih dari tu.  
kesiannnn dekat EL...
dia terpaksa berdiri masa dekat KTM...
sorrryyyyyy sekali lagi....
bukan aku je yang risau tengok kau...tapi bdak ihsan ni pon dah risau
haiiihhhh tengok, betapa sayangnya aku dekat kau..
lepas ni, u have to see a doctor okay!!!
u're so damn cutie dude. errr sorry yerrr curik gamba ang.hek

i proud of being myself.

dear readers

Don't be seduced by money, social rank or beauty, but chose instead the man of faith in accordance in the words of the Messenger of ALLAH(pbuh) : "If he comes to you, one you liked byhis morality and virtue, marry him. If you don't do it, there will be trouble on earth and a horrible devastation."

If your virtuous husband love you, he will support you in your religious affairs and material. If he doesn't love you, he will hate you till, injure, despise. He will act in the accordance with what saidthe Prophet(pbuh) :"A believer doesn't hate a believing woman. If one of his side he dislikes, it pleases him by another."